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Maps of the river Jara - Seteksna, Lithuania

Maps of the river Jara-Seteksna

Aerial photos, maps of the river Jara - Seteksna. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Jara - Seteksna. Google maps the river Jara - Seteksna, Lithuania, Panevezys and Utena county, Rokiskis and Anyksciai districts, Svedasai and Kamajai municipality. Places near the river: village Verguciai, village Kirkenai, forest Vaduvu, village Guciunai, village Sereliai, village Pukniai, village Seteksnos, the lake Dviragis, village Naujasode, village Punkiskiai, village Taraldziai, village Labeikiai, village Ruzgai, village Vaitkunai, village Miskiniai, forest Miskiniu, forest Rimdziu, village Jotkonys, forest Jotkoniu, the pond of Jotkoniys, the lake Svedasas, village Visetiskes, village Zoviškiai, village Rudakasiai, village Ciukai, village Bajorai, the lake Kuojinis, the lake Eserinelis, the lake Apvalainis, the lake Ilginis, the lake Priegodas, the lake Denioniu, the lake Kusliu, village Sklepiskis, village Kusliai, village Pauriskiai, village Grikapeliai, village Galvydziu, the lake Grikapeliu, village Galvydziai, village Girele, village Micionys, village Ragaisiai, village Pustinka. Tributaries of the river Jara - Seteksna: the brook Vaduva, the creek Kumponas, the river Velniupys, the river Valkupys, the river Rudkasys, the river Kisielupis, the river Zygupis, the river Serbentupys, the river Pertakas, the river Eserinis, the river Motiejiskis, the river Aluotis, the river Viluinis, the river Antupis, the river Kryliu upelis, the river Ardameliu upelis, Šaltupys, Banikiškis, Ilgė, Paivodys, Maleišėlė, Maleiša, Pailgabradys, Skerdimas, Šernupis, Veltupys, Ertėja, Ižena, the river Bajoru upele, the river Uosinta. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Gykiai Botanical Reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: