Upių labirintasKelionės į Gruziją

Maps of the river Patekla, Lithuania

Maps of the river Patekla

Maps and aerial photos of the river Patekla. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Patekla. Google maps the river Patekla, Lithuania, Telsiai county, Telsiai district, Degaiciai and Tryškiai municipality. Places near the river: village Eigirdziai, the lake Tausalas, forest Pasvaige, village Galaiciai, village Gintautciai, village Geruliai, forest Surupis, Gauduciai peatland, village Juodsode, village Kirsiai, village Duseikiai, the pond of Ubiske, the dam of Ubiske, village Levenciai, village Pateklenai, village Ubiske, village Sviraiciai, village Buisai. Tributaries of the river Patekla: the brook Virma, the creek Ubeika, the river Alaukstis, the river Telse, the river Juodupis, the river Mastupis, the river Viesve, the river Judra, the river Rudupis, the river Tamsa, the river Ankstele, the river Gervainys, the river Babrute, the river Girupis, the river Siltupis, the river Levenciupis, the river Virvycia. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: